To add a new menu group from the Web Admin, login and select Menu Groups from System Settings:

You'll see your existing groups:
To add a new group above or below an existing group, click the arrows accordingly:
...or if you have no groups created yet, just click on the green plus sign (+) to add your first group.

You'll then see your new group in the list and can even add the name.
Clicking on the pencil icon in the column on the far right will open up the Edit screen for the menu group.
You can also add or edit the name on this screen, add a description, and even add an image or change the Status for this menus group.
Here's one we've filled out, as an example:
(Cheesesteaks? We bet Jason added this one.)
Looks like you're ready to add some menu items to this group! Let's hop over to the (add items wiki link) article,
or if you want more details on adding images, check out (adding images wiki link) article.