Online Ordering: Setting Delivery Radius & Charges
Delivery Surcharge Setup
1.) Log into the Admin panel with your credentials.
2.) Navigate to delivery surcharge section under the system settings tab.
3.) Click on the plus sign to add a new delivery option.
Once you have clicked the plus sign you will see a screen like the one below. This screen is where you will edit the delivery surcharge options. Each section will be explained it greater detail below.
Distance from Restaurant – This says that if the address falls within the radius charge them a certain amount.
Fixed Amount/ Percentage – Lets you set the dollar amount or the percentage based on their bill delivery charge
Max Charge – Only use this when you have the Fixed Percentage option selected. The max charge sets the limit on how much the fixed percentage can charge per bill.
Apply to Orders Less Than – This sets the limit on where delivery charges will be applied. (I.E. If you have a a limit of $50 dollars set. A delivery order of $10 dollars comes through the delivery charge will be applied to this. If a $50 order comes through the delivery charge will not be applied.)