1. General Order Functions
Select an order in the Wheelz app to get the following options:
- Get Directions - this will activate your phone's navigation to give you directions to the customer's address.
- Call Customer - this will call the customer by masking your personal cell phone number with the business phone.
- Text Customer - this will text the customer by masking your personal cell phone number with the business phone.
- Mark As - this will update an order status to one of the following options:
- Open: The order is available for assignment
- Assigned: The order is assigned to a specific driver
- Out: The order is marked as "Out for Deliery"
- Delivered: The order is marked as "Delivered"
- Set As Next Delivery - this will mark the selected order as "Next For Delivery". This data is used to by the business and the customer to see if an order is up next.
2. Assigning an order
Option 1: Assign an order from the POS Delivery Dashboard:
Step 1: Select the order through the square on the left that says open.
Step 2: Assign the Order to a driver by selecting the assign button.
Note: This order will now show in the Wheelz app for that driver under the "Assigned Orders" tab (Person icon).
Option 2: Drivers self-assign an order from the Wheelz App:
Step 1: Select the Order under the "View all orders" tab > Select the "Marked As" button.
Step 2: You will be given the option to mark the order as: Open, Assigned, Out for Delivery, or Delivered.
Select the "Assigned" option to assign this order to yourself.
The order is now assigned to you, and the driver may now take the next steps.
3. Delivering an order
Select the order you want to deliver to get the following options:
Step 1: Select "Mark As" > "Out" to set the order as "Out for Delivery"
Note: all orders set to "Out" will now be found under "Out for Delivery" tab (Car Icon)
Step 2 : Once you arrive at your destination select the order your delivering.
Step 3 : Select "Pay"
The screen will tell you if the customer owes money or if they paid already.
Step 4 : Once you have confirmed payment, Select the "Complete Order" button at the bottom of the screen.
Note: All completed transaction will now be found under the "Completed" tab (check mark icon)
If the customer used a credit card, you will be prompted with an option for a tip.
Click here to download the Wheelz app on phones running Android 13